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2023 Scholarship Application Form

Application Deadline: Friday, March 29, 2023

The Kiwanis Club of La Puente will award a total of $3500 to graduating students from Bassett High School, La Puente High School, and Workman High School, and students from Valley Alternative School, and Willow Adult School. For each school, one (1) scholarship will be dedicated to be awarded to a student member of a Kiwanis Family club (Key Club, KIWIN'S, Aktion Club). In the event that the school does not have a Kiwanis Family club, the scholarship will be available to all student applicants.

Scholarship funds will be paid directly to the student's chosen college/school toward tuition at the beginning of their first academic year.

Scholarship award considerations and selection criteria include: Financial need, Personal achievement, Community service involvement, and Recommendations


  • Must be enrolling full-time in a two- or four-year college/university or trade school for the Summer/Fall semester 2019.

  • Must be a graduating high school senior at La Puente, Workman, or Bassett High School; or a student at Valley Alternative School; or a student who will enroll at Willow Adult School in the Summer/Fall

  • Must have an overall GPA of 2.50 or higher (transcript(s) required).

Application Procedure:

  1. You may:

    1. Submit a completed paper application to your high school counseling office with transcripts and letter of recommendation. Materials will then be picked up by a Kiwanis Club Member.

    2. Or, submit this online application and upload transcripts below, then mail letter of recommendation

    3. Or, submit this online application and mail transcripts along with recommendation(s)

    4. Or, download application and mail along with transcripts and recommendation(s) to: Kiwanis Club of La Puente, Attn: Scholarship Committee, PO Box 847, La Puente, CA 91747.

  2. **Submissions will be considered incomplete if transcripts and recommendations are not received by application deadline**

  3. Selected scholarship recipients will be recognized at Award Night or Senior Breakfast


Number of household members who will attend college in 2023-2024:


College/Trade school attending in the Summer/Fall:
Are you the first person in  your family to attend college?
Have you completed any college courses? If yes, how many units?


Please complete the following fields as completely as possible
School/community honors and awards.
(Examples: National Honor Society, Honor roll, etc.)
Community service activities.
(Examples: Church volunteering, Key Club, etc.)
Please list: Service activities participated, and # of community service hours served.
If activities are associated with a service club, please list club name
Other extracurricular activities not listed above.
(Examples: Athletics, Band, clubs, etc.)
Please also list any leadership positions held.
Current or previous employment. If applicable.
(Please list employer, dates of employment, # of hours per week)


Minimum 1 letter of reference required. References should not be family or friends. Please mail letters of recommendation to: Kiwanis Club of La Puente, Attn: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 847, La Puente, CA 91747 by application deadline: Friday, March 29, 2019.

**Submissions will be considered incomplete if recommendation(s) are not received by application deadline**

Reference letters should include:

  • Name of the student applicant

  • Name, occupation, phone/email of the individual making the recommendation

  • How long have you known the applicant? In what capacity?

  • What special attributes does the applicant possess?

  • An example of the applicant's perseverance or ability to achieve a goal


Please respond to each of the essay topics below (maximum 300 words each). Please be sure to include your name.

You may upload responses, or type them into the text box below.

  1. List three words that best describe you and explain why.

  2. Please describe how this scholarship will benefit you financially.

  3. Please discuss your aspirations for continued academic success, career goals, and how you will serve your community as an adult.

Upload Responses
Type or paste your responses here


You may upload transcripts below, or mail to: Kiwanis Club of La Puente, Attn: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 847, La Puente, CA 91747 by application deadline: Friday, March 29, 2023.

Upload Transcripts


All information received by the Kiwanis Club of La Puente Scholarship Committee will be held in the strictest confidence. All applications and supporting material become the property of the selection committee and cannot be returned. Decisions made by the Kiwanis Club of La Puente Scholarship Committee are final. By submitting this application, you ensure that all information provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge.

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